Sunday, June 2, 2013

Tangled Up in New York, by Howard Weiner

Tangled Up in New York: Shakedown on the Streets...Tales of Tenacity and Pulp Solicitation is the inspirational, hilarious, and strange saga of a forty-eight year-old salesman who bagged his day job to hustle books on the streets. From Memorial Day through Halloween, Howard “Catfish Weiner hauled his Dylan/Dead memoirs from Battery Park to Yankee Stadium in search of an audience for his prose.  Along the way, Catfish becomes one with his oppressive environment, fusing with the strange brew of humanity stampeding along the steamy asphalt jungle. This is the quintessential and timeless tale of a New Yorker pressing on against all odds to manifest destiny, on his own terms. 

Howard “Catfish” Weiner is the author of Tangled Up in Tunes: Ballad of a Dylanhead. During the summer of 2012, he made history by selling at least one of his books on the bustling Manhattan streets for thirty-five consecutive days. These days, Catfish resides near the Bronx Zoo. 

Catfish Weiner at the Tangled Up in New York book launch June 29

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